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Meng Church
Season 1 below | Season 2 | Season 3 | Season 4 | Season 5
Cartoon of #MengChurch. It has puns and slangs. First released on social media sites (FB, Weibo, Twitter). Open the images in new tab to see the larger, colourful version.
For donation, membership, enrollment please contact .
It looks like the mistress/head of the school is on the left, the one on the right is one of the girls (crying laugh) coincided with other divination. Dr Meng is thin in reality, must to do with the vibe
One dish? Bit wet. In the background of Meng's spiral
#earthapril Random/divine cartoon. The series teaches the elements of the universe. We are not #anime. #holistic.
Order the series on the official site, click the picture in the middle of homepage
download ebook of season one free
Preview of GHaS season one
Excerpt from season one
Random/divine media. From our unlimited gallery . #emptyness, #nothingness is the nature/sum of the universe: all yin/negative & yang/postive cancel out. Cycloid History and Cosmology Club . A cyclic universe is "nothingness", it always "goes back" to "start". The creation is a reversed process where everything comes into existence from yin-yang spliting of nothingness, the universal mind/divinity . This was in the Meng church cartoon on Chinese social media. Hashtag #meng教堂# in Weibo
Example result of our divination software
A rat is blocking the cow. "SCAMPER is an acronym formed from the abbreviation of: Substitute, Combine, Adapt, Modify (Also magnify and minify), Put to another use , Eliminate, and Reverse" #worldlabanimalday #animalcruelty
"In the U.S., the numbers of rats and mice used are not reported, but estimates range from around 11 million[2] to approximately 100 million.[3] "
Search rat intelligence online. systemic/cruel animal testing in the name of "science" or "education" need to end. Cruel science is bad science. Because the researchers are not to be trusted
Chinese Animal Protection Network Https:// same vibe of animal testing
Randy's vlog A story of a rodent Randy. He seeks justice to victims of animal testing #EarthApril
See description of the video
#AnimalTesting #Alternative #Herbalism by the team of Dr Jenia Meng. In Chinese, You can translate it by google #worldlabanimalsday
Tea in the centre #NaturalGardenWoree
We have intelligent software to make cartoon fast
We have many other divination methods, not only the electronic ones, such as
#earthapril Random/divine cartoon. The series teaches the elements of the universe. We are not #anime. #holistic
Recent video of the cat in Telegram
"In general, the average concentrations of the major components of wine are water, 86%; ethanol, 12%; glycerol and polysaccharides or other trace elements, 1%; different types of acids, 0.5%; and volatile compounds, 0.5%." . . Our sweetoner:
Eucalyptus tree in the background, good essential oils . . Parasites need host, don't platform them
Nudity was in the Garden of Eden. Take the all-natural spirit of religion seriously
#magic 1)Discovered a pumpkin in our garden, 2)Cavemen in the comments of the post 3)Shape of the two pumpkins was from last night #vegan #meatfree
#workersday #meatfree
You cannot call yourself spiritual when you pay people to murder innocent farm animals #meatfree #nonviolence #farm365 #crueltyfree
The teachings of our church is built on strong theoretical foundation of Dr Jenia Meng #timeless
Dowsing software made by Dr Meng, it points to the logo of Eden Divination, the divination research project of the church . Or a button on your phone/screen. Or right upper corner, symbol of imperial faith
Cartoons are on the official site Click "South View Point", click "All Cartoons" under the title, click "ongoing", you will see the list
#truthseeker Don't have blind faith on anyone. Exam information piece by piece just like in the academia. The hamster is lying and defaming Dr Meng in the second frame, but he was right in the last frame. Search "plant based diet body odor" online
Dr Meng has not talked to the hamster for ages. She is not interested in him
The background of the hamster was a university, it was broken/divided/disciplined. So we replaced it with #nothingness according to divine instruction
The dialog is from divination by paper dictionary
#asceticism Predators are behind spiritual growth. They like to stay in the dirty toilets. Asceticism has been observed in many religions and traditions. Freedom from #addictions #money #alcohol #tobacco #drugs #entertainment #sex #food #meat ...
All humans (past, future, scientists... all included) have the same faith (about truth), it is essentially the view point of female energy . Cross-cultural (mis)translation caused conflicts between groups. Message of the random/divine cartoon: The materialist left (Marxists etc.) has been misreading religions. Stupid.
Divinity/creation is the whole: good and bad, yin and yang, everything in the universe #holism . Three snow men in the background of the random/divine cartoon. Cold-hearted person is divisive, they are like the ice, the Metal element, good at cutting. Dr Meng's elements in the pin post:
This is how we make divine cartoon by Dr Meng's software. When you leave the two input boxes empty, the intelligent software fills in content automatically. You can create a cartoon by one click on your phone. The text of the example here is specified, rest is random. It looks like the dream this morning, a singer visited Dr Meng. You can order our intelligent/divination software on the website of Eden Divination . One-click cartoon software is the wu-wei snail . Looks better when the left side is bunnies
random/divine cartoon. Check out the teaching on the official site:
The hamster is a liar. Dr Jenia Meng is a software architect. Master from University of Melbourne in 2004 #AI
GHaS! (Girl honks at ship) hussy bat #promiscuity #STD . Despite of crazy individual puppets/outliers, in general we should protect native species and biodiversity Outliers do not represent the population
Meet open minded people
#mengchurch company, heal, consensus
More demo of Average View, vector poster maker, one of our divination software
The universe is cyclic #cosmology . don't miss this. You can scroll the page w. eye closed. And click on a random place on the screen. A divination game too.
group chat
We are sunflowers, we follow the Sun (female energy) The Sun appears to be the same size of the Moon (male energy) in the earthly world. But if you go up/spiritual, go closer, it is very different. Wood to Metal region is the typical male energy of the elementary cycle. The tree (the Wood element) is like the Moon in the divine cartoon, the flower is the Sun. The background is also the vibe of our church most time of the year. Sunny garden. GHaS ( ), you underestimate the power of the Sun.
Hierarchical/competitive thinking does not help your spiritual enlightenment. Lives are "equal": the divinity creates everyone, every creature, everything; We all have direct connection with the holy ghost and things run in circles. When you are "good" at one thing, you naturally are "bad" at the opposite thing. No absolute good or bad, extremes meet, see #Taijitu . Seek moderation
#sunrise Being active in the day is male energy, because we are relatively darker/colder to the Sun. Night-human/dream/dreamtime is female energy, we are more like a Sun on our own when the real Sun is not around #relativity #dreamtime #dreaminterpretation . no action (eg wu-wei, meditation etc) is female energy . It is taught in our Chinese social media Wechat: tzwl_au . The pink dress is also in . Indigenous #dreamtime is important in Dr Meng's theology . If you stay up late, do lots of things at night (have lights on), your are short of female energy. Stay balanced. Many of our cartoons/MVs are floating dreams. Search "DrEco SH MV" in FB
Dictionary divination says #herbalism #BigPharma Point random position in a dictionary and read words around your finger: hemisphere half hemlo hemp used for narcotic drugs us plant any. Was on the same page . An old episode of Animal Academia . . #CrueltyFree
Free seminars online, contact us for more info #nudity in #gardenofeden . The original picture wasn't loaded fully. It contains nudity. Nudity as a symbol of naturalness and pureness, not sexuality. Fully loaded view.
Monday is Moon day. Seven days a week correspond to seven major celestial bodies in the sky in Dr Meng's sacred spiral. Start of new cycle is Moon, then Water, Soil, Wood, Metal, Fire and Sun. The energy of Monday is similar to the Moon. The seven elements/stages are known as yin-yang wu-xing in #Taoism Yin-yang wu-xing is 阴阳五行 in Chinese, search the characters online for more info
#mengchurch We have multiple card games for getting divine insights
#wisdom is the energy of Fire/Sun element, near end of circle. Water energy is linked to sex and rodent energy, it is utilitarian/short-term/"clever"/cunning/cold, not the same of wisdom
MV created by our game centre #utilitarianism . A holistic critic of . The cold cat started low, floated to higher place in the MV
Domination (in view of mainstream) is dependency. Predators "love" herbivores. Historic cars in the background #vegan. However the kind of love is annoy/dangerous to herbivores often. Is the back attractive? Hunting instinct? For 17? Herbivores are the real boss
#fruits are yummy. #wellness
Relative size of the bug when it rises to meet the fruit dragon. Dr Meng had a dream about becoming a dragon and rising in the sky when she was doing her PhD in the St Lucia campus of University of Queensland.
Follow the Way, no rush #FreeSpeech .Jesus taught the Way too : .
In the first automatic draft, the speech is partly censored by the alt-left, you can only see wells. Alt-left is alt-right, cyclic universe
Censorship is strange and often ineffective. Societies are network. There is word and mouth.
No management is good: aka
Your body is an image of the universe. Upper body is the Sun, lower body is the Moon, a pair of yin-yang. So you have hair and 'face' on both ends of the tube: head and pubic #wildlife #Australia . The cartoon is random. Outside of your body is Moon, inside is the Sun. Hair, skin, muscle, bone, bone marrow-blood are Water, Soil, Wood, Metal, Fire respectively. You are the universal/divine image on different dimensions . The background image . It is about half month after the start of Dr Meng's annual cycle (around birthday in Luna calendar), the Water stage of her year. She was born on the Lixia festival, it marks the start of Summer #climate
Join our dating group, #DomesticViolence #Sexism not welcome
Study divinity with the bunny in our game centre #divination #cartoon #game #cathedral #gothic
Unity over division. However be aware the center of UN logo is the North/Male energy/pole Politics is masculine (vs science, ecospirituality etc. ). Open your membership account in our game center #COVID19. The background of the random cartoon is,_Sunrise is our #vegan bakery in #Woree. The website has a viral hymn software. It is a place for healing
Divinity created two(yin-yang pair), two generated the third - #TaoTeChing #AIart Official site: . the original lines of #TaoTeChing 道生一 一生二 二生三 Chapter 42 .
Jesus said: "love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you"
Because you and your "enemy" are a yin-yang pair, both are created by the divinity. Just like the rats and cats. Respect all divine creations. You should not have any enemy #coexist. The position of the rat (Water element) is unstable. Connection between left and right.
Evolution is better/softer than revolution #reform #nonViolence. The random cartoon is a combination of web and paper dictionary divination. Some of our past cartoon used similar methods
Speed is not quality in the long run. Slow paced lifestyle #timeless #classic . Sunday, the Sun is the "slowest" among the seven elements . The speech in the cartoon is from paper dictionary divination
Overcompensation is common in psychology, dirty mind may be obsessed with superficial clean. As Yin Yang try to balance each other. Truth is not what you see on the surface: Number one on anything may come from the other end. #moderation #cyclic #universe. We need all the elements in our life, in the natural/balanced proportion . Is your food clean? Fresh #vegan food is safer . Example of the other end: An extremely pride person is likely extremely insecure
If god (holy ghost) has a gender, it is female: spirit/mind/creativity is female to material. No #nazi stupidity please, even their logo is copied from dark skinned people
Humans have different ancestors, some from colder (magnetic north pole) region have less than 3% from carnivore cavemen. No, the lifestyle in the cave (strong/pure Metal element in Meng's Spiral), does not fit you #math .Text from the older FB post: "Got time to read old comments carefully. If you use cavemen as excuse of your bad/cruel diet, provide evidence that you are more than 50% (mainly) neanderthal. Regular people have less than 3 percentage neanderthal DNA. Just like the percentage of meat in chimp diet. This percent approximates to 0% if you are not good at visualizing number/math. So, we could say this in general: you are not neanderthal and chimp don't eat meat". The Fire element hot hair/Water. We embrace evolution. You don't look exactly like your parents, grandparents, it is evolution However detail of mainstream evolution theories are not necessary true, they are open for scientific debates. Text and background image of the random cartoon is from paper dictionary divination. Is cave a hole too?
Ancestor of Dr Jenia Meng #Mencius She is not a confucian. Meng is the family name. She likes scientific/Taoist texts, such as "Xiao Yao You" and . You means swim in Chinese
Work for us online casually. Contact Dr Meng to apply the positions. The background of the computer bugs cannot be displayed. We would need your CV or some way to identify you an episode of Animal Academia 2021
Because of complex migration, interbreed and over a long history, humans come with all sort of "colours" in the spectrum. You are not one colour absolutely: some black people are more "white" than other blacks; Some yellow people are more magenta/Fire than other yellows. The concept of race can make sense at the level of very large population (statistically), but not very useful at individual level #race #biology #math. Your culture (meme) is a part of you, as real as the physical you (gene). Just like your soul is you, not only your body. Enlightened cat in the random cartoon. There is no taboo in good science/truth. Example products of our research center: We can develop custom products too. Donation to our independent research is welcome, PayID/PayPal/Email:
Current job boring? Like nature? Work for the church of Dr Meng, learn scientific research skills that help you see the bias of Americcentrism: the tendency of exaggerating size of US entities. Connect with us in our OZ center, click the blog hosting link to register:
Wechat (halo_eden)
Kuaishou (peacenetwork)
Join the famous cow, be a part of our ecospiritual movement #plantbased. The cow is central (in terms of left-right of politics) up (spiritual), said in our group About the cow of our studio
Cat volunteer in our garden yesterday. Animals love our center, they are smarter than you think #speciesism Check out the hashtag on social media. Original photo Sunning in the patio. Processed by our intelligent software, looks like radiation picture. Search benefits of UV online, It is the strong Sun Fire generates Soil in elementary system (火生土) , no surprise Sun can treat many skin diseases.Dr Meng's film of speciesism . Dr Meng is the producer and adviser to the director
Your interests to superficial people may be off. The divine love from holy ghost to everyone is always on. Our online school and free course is on for everyone most of time too. A sad hamster at lower right corner.
Dr Meng's organization has been operating online worldwide for many years. It has been very helpful during #COVID19. She promoted natural health, questioned and opposed unreasonable management. The background of the random/divine cartoon is calendar of 2020. A feral cat sits around February (early stage of COVID 19) . A feral cat tries to blocked the "on" status of Meng's organization
A bug was looking around July, searched online found this "19 July
The United Nations highlighted the plight of hundreds of thousands of seafarers stranded at sea, some for over a year, due to COVID-19 travel restrictions". No restriction/trap here. Moon, Monday is about past. The episode of OL for 2020 lock down
#moderation We are central, no left-right political division, judge issues case by case. The beach chair is Soil next to large Water: Girl honks at ship . the random background images says get votes from both sides. true 'left' (female energy) is moderate left, like the energy of #mengchurch.
Unity of females. Competition is the way of male energy. We do things differently, be yourself, do not copy. If you know Jenia Meng, you know. Widespread #cooperation in ecosystem . The pink blog of Dr Meng, go to homepage of type c258 in the box to acess. The background image was,_Of_The_Immoderate_Vylenes_In_Maners_Vsed_At_The_Table.jpg It was blanked by Dr Meng's divine filter
Oceania is easter to East Asia, the East/Fire end, the spiritual home of planet Earth. Indigenous dream is at the center of Dr Meng's theology: Meng also means dream (梦) in Chinese. East Asian cultures often emphasis the Water energy because they are closer to the magnetic North pole compare to Oceania : if you heat the Metal (ice) element, you get Water. #timezone #indigenousaustralia. Lots of Water energy in this random/divine cartoon, rodents such as rat is at the start of Chinese zodiac, it is around the Water stage. Water goes down, Fire goes up. Study Dr Meng's elementary system in our paid course.
Study mind reading in our school. Empathy is a sacred ability, your ability of channeling into others view points via holy ghost. Are you able? Should be obvious here if you have bad connection with the holy ghost, you empathy will be low An episode of OL, about the sixth sense, empathy is your sixth sense: The copy on our Youtube channel FG school the Way. We can teach empathy to feral cats too. We don't discriminate mental disability.
Dr Jenia Meng had a break to show you who is important in this faculty. She is the producer writer and director, the sole creator of the series. A black bird has blended into the background, you cannot see anymore. Parasites/impersonators to Dr Meng have been removed by natural repellent. The cats are at meal table waiting to slice the predatory birds for bread. The rooster is easily shocked by rude/sexual things, spam from hosts of sex workers are not allowed. The background of the rooster/wattle was in Dr Meng's old song "Forever", the text on cover is: pressure cooking wattle forever. "Forever" and Chinese song "Credit of Cat" is a part of Dr Meng's new album "Democracy" (official site: Contact to order legal download.
Dr Meng is writing about magic of holistic wellness in the production blog: healing by divination, herbalism, meat free diet, exercise and more. Check out and book mark the page
One episode is removed from this preview. It is available in the book of "Meng Church". The electronic version is 18 AUD per download. Contact us to order
Production blog (the pink blog)