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Plant based game

Your lucky ones are:

- Red Sage (Lantana) TOXIC Wood (perches/toys)

- Nut Trees (excluding Chestnut) Wood (perches/toys)

- Kumquat Fruit

- Tea TOXIC Table Food

- Zucchini Vegetable

- Cumin Oil

- Bitter Cress (in moderation) Weed

- Date Wood (perches/toys)

- Lobelia TOXIC Plant

Random/divine plants picked from DB of near 1.5 k plants. The toxicity labels are from different sources, can be wrong. Toxic plants may be used in medicine in small quantity, similar to side effect of drugs. Click the link of the plant for detail and sources. You can get the energy by other means, for example use as lucky charm. Search the name with other keywords online for more information.

You can also pick lucky date, time, job, food, city, action and more

Rev Dr Meng's Church